A recent Bathroom Confidential survey conducted by Vision Critical, revealed some interesting attitudes that Canadians have about cleaning. If scrubbing your toilet is at the bottom of your household chore list then you are in good company – 40% of Canadians confessed they would rather engage in other tasks like vacuuming, mopping floors or washing dishes. And 55% would rather go to drastic lengths – like going to the dentist, entertaining the in-laws or doing taxes – to avoid this unpleasant duty.
Melissa Maker is a home-cleaning expert and owner of Toronto cleaning service, Clean My Space. She knows first-hand how to tackle the messiest and least pleasant cleaning chores efficiently. “I was on a show yesterday and the host said ‘people quietly judge you on your bathroom.’ And it’s so true … with the holidays coming up and the hosting of house parties, guests will use your bathroom at some point in time. So, I came up with some quick tips on how to get the bathroom clean and an idea to keep your toilet fresh.”
1. As a cleaning expert, I say that organization is half the battle. Basically, you want to have a clean uncluttered space. You can use big-sized baskets to hold towels and toilet paper rolls and small baskets to house your cosmetics, hair accessories, etc. When your guests are coming over, just place the baskets into a linen closet.
2. You know that guests will be using your bathroom mirror to check themselves out! Rather than cleaning the whole mirror, you can save time by using glass cleaner on a microfiber cloth and in a circular motion just wipe off the little spots.
3. We all know that a bathroom rug can attract hair, dirt, etc. If you don’t feel like taking the time to get out the vacuum, just use a lint roller on the rug!
4. If you use shower curtain liners you will notice that pick orangey buildup at the bottom. Remove the liner, throw it into the washing machine, add some white towels into the wash along with your regular detergent. Here is what happens; the towels will scrub off buildup and protect the shower liner from shredding in the wash!
5. The next thing I like to do is to put soap dishes, soap pumps and toothbrush holders into the dishwasher. Place on the top rack on the sterilization cycle – you don’t need any detergent. They come out beautifully clean and sterilized!
6. Because the toilet is the biggest pain point for Canadians, I use Scrubbing Bubbles® One Step Toilet Bowl Cleaner. It’s an amazing product which anyone can use. Simply clip the nozzle over the rim inside the bowl then effortlessly spray the bowl with a tap of the foot pedal. Let it sit for a minute or two and then flush it away – the 360-degree sprayer even cleans under the rim! Use twice daily; first after the morning rush and at night before going to bed. Your toilet will not only look clean and smell good but you just removed yourself from toilet cleaning duty!
Melissa concludes by stressing the importance of investing time into your heavy duty cleaning then coming up with a routine and using products to support it. “The more you get into the habit of a routine, the more it will save you time and reduce the added drama that comes with cleaning.”
Juicy Tip: Go to www.facebook.com/ScrubbingBubblesCanada and stay updated on various promotions, savings and tips.