Kellogg’s Special K* is determined to help Canadians accentuate the positive and silence the negative in their lives. In a recent Kellogg’s Special K Fight Fat Talk Survey, it was found that although 97% of Canadians agree that a positive attitude can help them achieve their goals, 66% of Canadian women still admit to ‘Fat Talk’ – a de-motivating and contagious negative dialogue about their own or another’s body. Whether sparked by an unflattering photo or shopping for jeans, these negative comments are a significant barrier to weight management success.
To help Canadians achieve their weight management goals, Special K is encouraging women to turn the conversation around by silencing the negativity and steering the conversation to be more positive and productive. In fact, recent Special K research shows that women who think positively are more likely to report success with their weight management efforts and are eight times less likely to gain weight than women who think negatively about their weight management.
Kellogg’s Special K Think Positive Tips:
1. Think Before You Speak: ‘Fat Talk’ is a defense mechanism for many Canadian women. In fact, when asked why they are most likely to engage in ‘Fat Talk’, 45% of Canadian women answered: “It’s better for me to criticize myself before anyone else.” Be gentle on yourself! Silence negative thoughts internally before they manifest themselves externally.
2. Change the Conversation When ‘Fat Talk’ Comes Up: Women who think positively about weight management were more likely to put a stop to negative conversations about their own or others bodies. You can be a positive influence on yourself and others.
3. Stop Comparing Yourself to Other Women: 35% of Canadian women between the ages of 18-34 are most likely to ‘Fat Talk’ when looking at photos of other women. Instead, let the others around you inspire you to achieve your goals.
4. Say Something You Like About Yourself Every Time You Self-Criticize: Vocalizing the positive will help to shut down the negative.
To help shift the conversation towards positivity, Canadian women can share this infographic on their social networks using the hashtag #SpecialKCanada. For more info visit www.kelloggs.ca.