Canadians are invited to “bake a difference” through the second annual National Cupcake Day, taking place February 24th, to benefit Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Humane Societies across Canada. Originally launched by the RSPCA in Australia, New South Wales, National Cupcake Day began in parts of Canada last year, and the initiative is growing across Canada in 2014.
Here’s how to get involved:
1. Register for FREE at www.nationalcupcakeday.ca.
2. You will receive a FREE Cupcake Host Welcome Package in the mail, which includes a poster, sticker, balloons, fundraising guide and recipes to get you started.
3. Personalize your National Cupcake Day Online Bakery page and send it out to everyone you know.
4. Encourage friends and family to support you by donating online.
5. Plan your National Cupcake Day Party for home, work, school or wherever you think people would love to eat your cupcakes.
6. Bake, decorate, eat and share delicious cupcakes to raise funds for Canada’s SPCAs and Humane Societies.
7. Collect and forward funds to SPCAs and Humane Societies in your community. Visit www.nationalcupcakeday.ca for a list of who’s participating.