There are more than a few differences between the sexes when it comes to love and romance! For example, did you know that 1 in 5 women and 1 in 4 men EXPECT sex on Valentine’s Day? Compiled by Harbinger Communications, the following infographic highlights some intriguing facts – from dating and mating to looking for love, including differences between men and women.
And Valentine’s Day provides some of the sweetest stats, like:
– 11,000 is the average number of children conceived on Valentine’s Day;
– An estimated 257 million roses were produced for V-Day in 2014;
– On average unmarried couples and singles spend $20-$30 more for their significant other than married couples;
– Ranks the 4th largest candy-selling holiday, behind Halloween, Easter and Christmas/Hanukkah;
– 10% of proposals are estimated to take place.