What: The most anticipated season of the year is just around the corner and to celebrate Second Cup Coffee Co. is delivering a fresh shot for summer with its new Frappé.
About: Ice cold and subtly sweet, the Frappé is a coffee-forward beverage that is handcrafted and fully-customizable. Unique to most blended beverages, the Frappé starts with a freshly-pulled shot of espresso – never a coffee based mix. The espresso is combined with the coffee lover’s dairy of choice, ice and a flavour shot, if desired. It’s then blended to ice cold perfection.
Bonus: Available in four flavours – Espresso, Mocca, Caramel and Vanilla – and is made-to-order in small, medium or large. Can be topped with whipped cream!
Where: Starting Tuesday, May 12, will be available at all Second Cup Coffee Co. cafés across Canada. Handcrafted, authentic and featuring a freshly-pulled shot of espresso, the Frappé is sure to become the coffee-lover’s drink of choice this summer! For more info visit www.secondcup.com or @secondcup.