What do Canadian moms really want for Mother’s Day? Jewelry, an expensive bouquet, a spa day? Turns out, none of the above! Green & Black’s asked moms across Canada what was most important to them on Mother’s Day and the answer is much less expensive than you might think.
Canada is a country celebrated for embracing diversity, multiculturalism, and our differences, yet when it comes to moms, a common thread unites them all. When asked what matters most on Mother’s Day, Canadian moms overwhelmingly agree that it is spending quality time with loved ones and feeling appreciated.
A recent Green & Black’s Canadian Mother’s Day survey reveals that 57% of moms believe that spending time with family and loved ones is the most valued gift, closely followed by 32% saying that feeling appreciated is really what they want – proving that mom is truly the most selfless member of the family, receiving a luxurious gift was rated as the least important Mother’s Day gift (less than 1%).
To make this Mother’s Day special, show mom how much you love and appreciate her by adding a little sweetness that you can enjoy together as a family. For further info on Green & Black’s and to learn more about the brand’s history and ethical production of premium chocolate, please visit www.greenandblacks.co.uk