Women are notoriously their own worst critics, often perceiving themselves as flawed or unbeautiful. In response to the insight that 80% of women feel anxious about the way they look, Dove has carried out a new beauty experiment designed to illustrate that beauty lives inside us all. This first-of-its kind social experiment comes to life in a short film, Dove: Patches, which was just launched in 58 countries simultaneously.
Guided by psychologist and best-selling author, Dr. Ann Kearney-Cooke (Ph.D., Counseling Psychology) the experiement invites the participants to wear a custom-made “beauty patch” for two weeks which will help them feel more beautiful. The women are asked to keep a personal account of their life-changing experience throughout the two week period. All participating women agreed that wearing the “beauty patch” helped to improve their self-esteem and to change their personal lives in ways that they had not imagined. At the end of the experiment, however, it is revealed that the “beauty patch” contained nothing and that the power of believing in their own beauty influenced feeling beautiful.
The Dove brand hopes that all of the women’s inspirational stories featured in the Dove: Patches film will serve as powerful examples and encourage all women to develop a stronger relationship with their own beauty. Dove invites all women to create a world where beauty is a source of confidence, not anxiety. When women look and feel their best, they feel happier, and Dove believes it is important for women to see the beauty in themselves so that they can inspire the next generation. The brand has set a goal of reaching 15 million young lives worldwide with self-esteem programming by the end of 2015 and has reached over 12 million to date.
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