From Prada to Nada – Review

Starring Camilla Belle, Alexa Vega, Luis Rosales
Directed by Angel Gracia
107 minutes
Opens February 11, 2011

*** stars out of five

Two spoiled Mexican-American sisters live a lavish lifestyle in Beverly Hills until their rich Daddy suddenly dies. Left destitute, they are ousted out of their posh mansion and move in with an Aunt who resides in a more undesirable neighbourhood on the wrong side of town.

Why See It?
This light romantic comedy will translate well to the younger audience.

Nora (Camilla Belle) is a conscientious hard-working law student while Mary (Alexa Vega) is a superficial party girl. One thing the sisters do have in common – neither speaks Spanish. It’s both humorous and appealing to see how these two overcome poverty, embrace their Mexican culture and discover new love.

Between the two sisters there are a handful of love interests – my favourite being the handsome love-struck neighbour and family handyman, Bruno (Wilmer Valderrama) who has eyes only for Mary.

From Prada to Nada is a Hispanic spin on a common romantic comedic formula. Like most flicks coming from this genre, the storyline is predictable – the white knight always arrives on the scene to save the fair maiden. What sets this movie ahead of the pack is that it is cleverly written, witty and boasts a well-suited cast.