Many Canadians have committed to live a “greener” life but where they fall short is taking steps to benefit their four-legged friends. From using natural flea sprays to how we grow our gardens, there are numerous ways Canadians can provide a safe and environmentally-friendly lifestyle for their cat or dog, while simultaneously reducing their eco paw print.
This summer Purina has partnered with Evergreen (a national charity that makes cities more livable by creating and sustaining dynamic outdoor spaces) to educate Canadians on how a few simple changes inside and outside the home can make an impactful difference for our furry friends.
Here are a few tips to on how reduce your pet’s paw print:
In the home:
– We stay away from plastic bottles with BPA and should do the same for our pet’s food dishes. Instead, buy stainless steel or porcelain dog bowls. They are non-toxic, odour free and come in numerous shapes and sizes.
– From collars to leashes, look for pet accessories made from recycled or natural materials.
– Responsible pet ownership also includes cleaning up after your dog on a walk. Choose biodegradable bags to keep the process clean and green.
– Super absorbent microfibre towels dry a wet dog faster and more efficiently. Plus they take less energy in the dryer too!
– Use natural flea sprays that contain no harsh chemicals or toxins and are safe to spray around pets and kids.
– Shoes for your schnauzer? Look for reusable, waterproof dog boots. They come in a rainbow of colours and are 100% biodegradable!
– Sleep easy by making sure your pet has an eco-friendly bed. Regular foam beds can contain fire retardants and other petroleum-based chemicals.
– Knowing cats groom themselves by licking, be sure to vacuum frequently to help protect them from toxic chemicals found in house dust. And don’t forget to take your shoes off at the door to prevent outdoor toxins from entering the house.
In the yard:
– If you have an outdoor cat consider planting an edible garden for your feline friend and let your cat graze on a salad bar of catnip, cat mint, cat thyme, wheat grass and oat grass.
– If you have a playful pooch, best to stay away from any plants with thorns such as roses or raspberry bushes. We don’t want them rolling into a spikey surprise.
– Adding mulch to your soil helps to retain moisture, reduce erosion and suppress weed growth. If you have a dog, choose your mulch wisely and stay away from the popular, but poisonous, cocoa bean mulch. Instead, look for medium sized alternatives that have not been processed or dyed.
– Ornamental plants can be more than decorative to your furry friends. Some of the most popular plants including Rhododendrons, Azaleas and Fox-glove contain toxins that are poisonous for pets.
– Be sure to keep your pets (cats and dogs) leashed when walking on unknown trails to protect plant life and wildlife in forests and wetlands.
– Cats can be wildlife savvy by wearing a leash and collar bell to alert and protect birds and other wildlife.
From June 1 to August 30 Canadians can go to www.PawsforthePlanet.ca to enter for a chance to win one of five eco-friendly backyard makeovers valued at $5,000 each.