The results are in! Canadians across the country are facing a Gumergency – a situation where they (or someone they know) is in desperate need of gum! A new survey conducted by Excel has found that 96% of Canadians who chew gum have experienced someone with bad breath at home (51%), the office (75%) or other situations when fresh breath matters most (including public transit and in stores).
Of the 900 survey respondents, gumergencies were most often brought on by eating food or drinking coffee. The survey also discovered that Canadians tend to offer or chew gum to manage breath-related emergencies. In fact, a surprising number of respondents admitted they kept breath fresh by chewing gum in rather peculiar situations – while eating, kissing and even while having sex!
What type of gum chewer are you? The survey revealed that a whopping 70% of Canadians are discrete chewers, 7% are chompers, 9% are invisible chewers, 7% like to blow bubbles and 7% are quick chewers.
To help Canadians open up about bad breath, Excel has created a Gumergency Hotline to provide solutions for coping with any breath-related emergency. Canadians can call 1-855-EXCEL-IT to receive tips for managing bad breath moments.