Pringles Celebrates National Ketchup Day!

Let’s face it, ketchup chips are an undeniable part of our Canadian identity and are truly one-of-EH-kind! Pringles Ketchup Chips are a timely fit for any upcoming Canada 150 special food features and/or round ups of some of the all time favourite snacks that Canucks love to munch on. Well, just in time for Canada’s 150th birthday, Pringles has introduced Pringles Ketchup Chips, offering something Canadians can rejoice over!

In the lead-up to National Ketchup Day (June 5), the Pringles Ketchup Slippery Slide will glide into downtown Toronto on Saturday, June 3, at the corner of Front St. W. and Simcoe St. beginning at noon. Former Blue Jays player, Brett Lawrie, will rally Toronto ketchup enthusiasts, to suit up in Pringles helmets, goggles and coveralls to brave the 50-foot slip and slide covered in ketchup! In addition to expressing their patriotic love for the flavour – participants will also help Pringles set a unique world record “The Most Canadians to Slip Down a Ketchup Slippery Slide in One Hour.”

Mr. P – Pringles’ beloved mascot – will be at the event with lots of Ketchup Chips to be enjoyed. Come show the rest of the world what it’s missing and catch up on all the chip chat on Facebook and in social media using #KetchupSlipperySlide!

For more info visit