Even though 87% of Canadian women aren’t proud to reveal their age in public, Dove believes every age should allow women to feel beautiful. This year, Dove is turning 50 in Canada and the company wants women to join in the spirit by celebrating their age, whether they are 30 or 100!
Earlier this year, Dove put out an open casting call to find up to 50 Canadian real women. More than 4,000 women from coast-to-coast applied and those selected will be featured in Dove’s new campaign on their respective birthdays over a 50-day period (September 9 – October 28, 2014). These real women will also share their personal stories about why the feel beautiful at any age. By marking another women’s birthday, Dove hopes to change anxieties and attitudes toward aging.
Below are additional stats on why Dove decided to launch the Beautiful Age Campaign and why we are asking Canadian women, “shouldn’t every age feel beautiful?”
– 27% of women feel you have to be young to be beautiful
– 25% of women feel pressure to look younger
– On average, women get anxious about aging at 34
– 56% of women feel negative when asked their age
– 47% of women feel society puts less value on older women
– 20% of women avoid celebrating birthdays because of their age
– 42% of women wish they looked younger
– 28% of women have pretended to be younger
– 72% of women are concerned about aging
Watch Dove’s new film entitled How Old Are You? at www.youtube.com/dovecanada.
For more info visit www.dove.ca